Content Warnings, yay or nay?

I'm not an easily startled person. My day job, unfortunately, involves a lot of death and things that normal people would puke at, but I'm most certainly not immune to being affected by some of the more grotesque and disturbing things life has to offer. I was having a conversation with my partner-in-crime the other… Continue reading Content Warnings, yay or nay?

So, like, what’s your book about?

I'm not a social person. My spoken English is broken at best, and that's not because I'm uneducated, it's probably more because my accent is mangled, and due to the fact my inner-voice runs ten times the speed my mouth does. It's sort of like that scene from Mean Girls where Kaddy tries to say… Continue reading So, like, what’s your book about?

AMA: Describe your perfect hero or heroine…

My greatest fear is the reception of Ember's heroine(s). I say heroines because, well, to be frank, my leading ladies tend to overshadow their male counterparts by a long-shot. I mean, the entire premise of the Raveni lines are women imbued with preternatural strength and the affinity to magic; And the Raveni line are unique… Continue reading AMA: Describe your perfect hero or heroine…

Things that suck…

How it feels when organic subscribers decide to break up with me... Things that suck are things like, not being able to actually turn my computer on for a solid two weeks because it's in a box and I've moved houses. Another thing that sucks is working every single day since October 26th with no… Continue reading Things that suck…

First Impressions: Nevernight

One of things I spend the most time doing in my life, is perusing bookshelves in the local 'Readings'. It's always a tough decision to buy a book. I've a fountain of unread, untouched books, or ones I've tried to read and ones I've dropped, perched along my many bookshelves of my home. It's hard… Continue reading First Impressions: Nevernight