Let’s Revisit: American Psycho, an Ego Brush for a Struggling Writer

It's a standing testament that American Psycho (2000) is one of my most favorite films of all time. Christian Bale, being one of my favorite actors of all time (A true Batman/Bruce Wayne) in my humble opinion. I'm still slowly, slowly, reading through the novel. It's been published/in print for 30 years, this year, and… Continue reading Let’s Revisit: American Psycho, an Ego Brush for a Struggling Writer

Overworking and hardly working

Another day, another rant. The days have certainly blended into one. Wake up, buy coffee (yes, I've had to indulge in the liquid gold once again because of my time constraints), skedaddle to work and blubber my way through a 60-80 hour work week, that sometimes doesn't end for weeks. Yes, weeks. And in this… Continue reading Overworking and hardly working

Content Warnings, yay or nay?

I'm not an easily startled person. My day job, unfortunately, involves a lot of death and things that normal people would puke at, but I'm most certainly not immune to being affected by some of the more grotesque and disturbing things life has to offer. I was having a conversation with my partner-in-crime the other… Continue reading Content Warnings, yay or nay?

Things that suck…

How it feels when organic subscribers decide to break up with me... Things that suck are things like, not being able to actually turn my computer on for a solid two weeks because it's in a box and I've moved houses. Another thing that sucks is working every single day since October 26th with no… Continue reading Things that suck…

The World is Ending… Still…

When you think of an author... a writer, what's the first thing that pops into your head? Some fantastical, illustrious, livin' large, untouchable, all-knowing saint? You know, the kinds that have problematic views on current issues, the ones that don't talk very much in detail about their writing process (because it's a very private thing!)… Continue reading The World is Ending… Still…