ADITLOAW: So, you want to write a book?

What do you need to write a book? Well, an idea, obviously. When I was just shy of eighteen years old, I thought it'd be a fantastic idea to go to school for writing. Rack up an enormous debt to an education institution, despite (at that age) having the inflated ego of a peacock broaching… Continue reading ADITLOAW: So, you want to write a book?

Overworking and hardly working

Another day, another rant. The days have certainly blended into one. Wake up, buy coffee (yes, I've had to indulge in the liquid gold once again because of my time constraints), skedaddle to work and blubber my way through a 60-80 hour work week, that sometimes doesn't end for weeks. Yes, weeks. And in this… Continue reading Overworking and hardly working