Another turn of the moon… Or sun… Or something…

Another turn of the sun, or rather us around the sun… How does it work again? I’m not sure. I can’t remember.

With every passing year and the reminder that I was birthed into this chaotic promenade of mewling cruelty I’m reminded of not only my mortality, but my own fragility.

Without fail, every year around my birthday, I fall gravely ill. There’s a story there, somewhere. One year involved an undercooked Chinese omelette slurry and projectile vomiting that I’m reminded of every year by my family members when they come out of the woodwork to wish me good tidings on another year survived.

And with such horrendous illness came a legation of my day-job. I’d sobered to the idea of focusing on writing full-time, but, as thus far, writing doesn’t pay the bills (at all, I’m still waiting on royalties from Amazon…).

Sadly, I’d opened Cinder last night to peruse my progress on its rewrite (since it’s supposedly due to be released in a few months… that’s not going to happen unless I find some unquenchable muse), and I’d realized I haven’t touched it since May last year.

Cinder is meant to be out in a few months… That’s not going to happen.

So despite a hospital trip and a realization I’m intolerant to another handful of medicines (thanks IBS), I hadn’t even the time to think of what a life of writing full-time would look like, struggling the past month and a half to even breath properly (I can only be thankful it wasn’t COVID-19).

But, if you want me to bring good news, I can offer this much…

I’m going to try and write today. In fact, after I post this.

I was going to post a snippet of Cinder, but it looks like I’ve been locked out of all of my Microsoft accounts for no bloody reason, so I’ll have to spend a perilous amount of time migrating everything onto my Macbook.

As if products “expire”. Fuck you Microsoft.

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