Overworking and hardly working

Another day, another rant.

The days have certainly blended into one. Wake up, buy coffee (yes, I’ve had to indulge in the liquid gold once again because of my time constraints), skedaddle to work and blubber my way through a 60-80 hour work week, that sometimes doesn’t end for weeks. Yes, weeks.

And in this time, you’ve guessed it. I’ve written a total of 145 words in Oblivion (Ember’s fourth book), one I’m still slowly tinkering away at trying to get it just right (even though, it’s actually been finished, but I’m not happy with it).

I think one of the biggest setbacks (in my mind) right now, is the fact that Ember’s been released.

And most writer’s at this point in time would be pushing, and pushing, and pushing marketing… But I honestly don’t have the time, nor energy to be doing this. The book’s released. I did what I needed to do, and now I don’t have any deadlines (self-imposed). I mean, yes, technically Cinder is supposed to be undergoing it’s rewrite/copywrite/and everything in between, it’s slated for a Winter release… but the most I’ve had to do with it is enjoy reading what I’ve rewritten of it, spit at myself (on myself) at how great it is, and how there is no chance in the nine circles of hell I can keep up the momentum I had when I’d originally sat down to rewrite it.

But I’ve kicked myself to take time off. To sit back, work on my novels, and get back in touch with my very, very sad self (the only part of self capable of writing something legible). I’ll be slowly working on my newsletter, that’ll be released on the 25th of the month with some juicy bonuses inside, just like December’s.

And, if you’re feeling courteous, flick your struggling writer a read by grabbing your copy of Ember here.

One of the largest de-motivators is nobody reading my work, and I know it’s a terrible thing to hold me back, but I can’t help it.

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